Day 10 – A day full of wonders

WOW – A Place to have fun

On Sunday we all visited the amusement park – WOW -World OF Wonder!!
It was an amazing place!!All of us enjoyed the topsy turvy rides ..
The most amazing ride was BIG BEAT which left us all shell shocked !!.. 

After that some of us had dinner at TGIFridays ..
The entire outing was super cool and adventurous….

Article written by Bhavya Saxena

Day 3 – Different point of view


Our day three in Germany started in a quite interesting way when we visited Johannes-Turmair for the first time, it was a rather new experience, seeing how the school works. Since my partner is sick Paula was generous enough to take me in and I´m grateful to her for this. We had a lot of fun with her and a great time when we visited the city. The view from the water tower was AMAZING and the churches are the most mesmorising and peaceful places I´ve seen!


My day three went really well. We visited the Johannes-Turmair for the first time and were welcomed by the principal. We attended some classes. Then we went to water tower, which had a great view. Then we just explored the city and visited few churches. In evening we went to city center and had dinner there. At night Muskan and Sophie come to have a night stay.


Heute sind wir zu dritt (Shagun, Gurnoor und ich) mit dem Bus zur Schule, was wahrscheinlich für die Erstklässler an meiner Haltestelle mehr aufregend war, als für die Inder selbst. Nach der ersten Stunde durften sie mit uns in den Unterricht. Zuerst hatten wir Musik, und ich glaube, die Musik zum Zauberlehrling werden sie nicht mehr so schnell vergessen, weil wir sie in Endlosschleife anhörten 🙂

Auch kamen sie in den Genuss einer Mathe- und einer Deutschstunde. Nach der Schule sind wir mit Sophie und Muskan in die Stadt und erst einmal zu
Rewe, um Erdbeeren zu kaufen.

Indians in a German car
Indians love the German cars 😉

Zu Abend haben Shagun, Gurnoor und Muskan dann zusammen mit ein paar Freunden beim Burgerwirt gegessen, während Sophie und ich eine kleine Pause machten. Zu Hause angekommen gings gleich weiter mit einer Runde Badminton im Garten. Und dann sind auch schon wieder Muskan und Sophie gekommen, um bei mir zu übernachten. Ich denke es wird eine lange, aber auch schöne Nacht werden.


Day 2 – Miracles happen

Right in the morning, a miracle takes place – I woke up on my own (without even an alarm) at 8.30 am! I’m NOT a morning person and I can NOT wake up until somebody else makes the effort to do that; sometimes I don’t wake up even after that. So waking up as early as 8.30, BY MYSELF, is definitely an achievement. Thank you very much Germany! 😀

Aditi Gutgutia

Days 1 and 2 – Bhavya’s short summary

{<[The German Exchange}>]

The Exchange is a great opportunity for one to learn new things..It helps us to get to know about another country’s culture,tradition,people,language etc.I too got one such privileged experience to go to the German Exchange .
I was very excited and here is a bit about how I spent my first three days in DEUTSCHLAND..????
Am Ersten Tag
On the first day when we arrived at Munich Airport,we met Mr Poeschl and together we went in a bus to Straubing  to meet our partners.After that after one and a half hour we got down from the bus?? and were awestruck on seeing such welcoming and nice hosts..??
All students had huge posters and placards displaying our names and messages for us.That was great!!!Then I met my amazing partner Stephan and his family..??They were really welcoming and the good was yet to come !!!!?
From there we went to his Grandma’s house and met her..We took a vintage car that was nearly 50 yrs old ! and then we went in that car to our House in Haibach.There I ate Pretzel(Staple food of Germany) and as I was very tired I went to Bed….??????
Am Zweiten Tag
The second day was an interesting one!!We got up at seven and ate breakfast – Cake ..??After that we went to a Church and prayed for our well being and a great German exchange experience…??
Then we I went to see the football match at Allianz Arena⚽⚽  btw. Bochum City V/s. Bayern Münich 1860⚽⚽ ….The heated match had a lot of fans who were chearing for their teams and we saw a great match which was followed by Bochum City as emerging victorious after a great game…..I enjoyed it!!,???
Then we came back home to get ready for the the BIG DAY tomorrow ∼ The School Day??????? …

Some will travel – some have to stay

Our Indian student group is heading towards Germany. Of course, their plane didn’t take of yet. But you have to be at the airport hours in advance. Just imagine the time you need for all the farewells!

Maharishi G. - Pegasus
The young student Maharishi G. (Class vi Pegasus) is one of the students who would really like to come to Germany

But not everybody is leaving. Many students of LVIS would also like to travel to Germany. They  read so much about the country in their German language books. And they asked so many questions about the German food, the houses, the families. But there were only limited vacancies available or they are still to young for the exchcange.

But their time will come! And if they can’t take part in the exchange in the next years, they can pester the participating students with questions as soon as they arrive in India. And last but not least they can read the blog and comment to all the postings the students will make. 

We are looking forward to read all that comments! Greetings to all that had to stay at home!

Before the exchange – Ashni’s first impressions

In this column students write about their preparations before the first trip to Germany starts. They write about their fears, their hopes and about their first contact with the German partner.

Today Ashni a student of Lotus Valley International school tells us about her thoughts about Germany. Speaking the German language quite well she wrote her small article in German.

Ashnis Überlegungen zur Deutschlandreise

Ich bereite mich für die Deutschlandreise vor, in dem ich Filme anschaue, Bücher lese und mehr mit meinen Partnern kommuniziere, weil bei einem Austausch handelt es um Interaktion und Lernen.

Ich habe grundsätzlich Angst vor dem Essen, weil ich Vegetarier bin, also weiß ich nicht, wie ich mit meinen Essgewohnheiten umgehen werde. Im Allgemeinen sind introvertierte Menschen schüchtern und interagieren nicht viel mit Fremden.

vegetarisch, bayerische Spezialitäten
Eating habits won’t matter – just a small part of our last year’s vegetarian potluck buffet.

Aber ich bin eine sozial extrovertierte Person und kann gut mit Menschen mischen. Ich freue mich darauf, mehr Freunde aus Deutschland zu machen.  Ich möchte  Denkmäler und berühmte Orte sehen. Ich bin eine weggehende und abenteuerliche Person, also möchte ich so viele Orte besuchen, die ich kann.

Ich möchte alles neu mit meinem Austauschpartner ausprobieren und viel Spaß mit ihr haben. Unsere täglichen Routinen werden anders sein, aber ich werde immer noch versuchen, wie sie zu leben. Das Gleiche zwischen uns wäre unsere Natur und Persönlichkeit, weil ich regelmäßig mit meinem Austauschpartner rede und sie scheint auch eine sehr abenteuerliche und freundliche Person zu sein. Also hoffe ich, dass unsere Freundschaft auch nach dem Austauschprogramm fortfährt und ich werde auf jeden Fall wieder nach Indien zurückkehren!