During our many exchange projects we were happy to work together with several companies, foundations, clubs and organisations. Because of these partners the costs of the exchange was sometimes reduced. Often the partners helped us with their know-how and their company network. Thank you to all of you for all that amazing help!
In the list you cant find our biggest supporters. The parents and families of our exchange students. Without their help none of our exchange project could have been finished.
Thank you very much for all your help, your good words, your tolerance and your support!
2019: Media Rules!
- TVA Ostbayern, Regensburg
- Radio AWN, Straubing
- Straubinger Tagblatt
- Indisches Generalkonsulat, München
- Universität Passau (Zentrale Studienberatung)
- Universität Passau (Abteilung für Medien und Kommunikation)
2018: From Mittelstand to Global Players
- KMK-PAD Schulpartnerschaften der PASCH-Initiative
- Autohaus Albrecht
- Straubing Spiders
- Stadtwerke Straubing
- Völkl – Snowboard
- Fremdenverkehrsamt Straubing
- Krones AG
- KJF Werkstätten Straubing
- Bäckerei Steinleitner
- Straubinger Stadthonig
- Modern Industry, Sahibabad
- Krishnabeads Industries, Noida
- Cheshire Homes, Delhi
- Paragon Apparels, Noida
2017: Different countries – different sports
- KMK-PAD Schulpartnerschaften der PASCH-Initiative
- Return to play
- Autohaus Albrecht
- NaWaRo Straubing
- Eisstock-Club Straubing e.V.
- Ruderclub Straubing
- Bildungsstätte St. Wolfgang
- Straubing Spiders
- Alpenverein Sektion Straubing
- Cricketverband Deutschland
- Stadtwerke Straubing
- Völkl – Snowboard
- Fremdenverkehrsamt Straubing
- Universität Regensburg – Studienberatung
2016: Architecture of the centuries
- Stadtwerke Straubing
- Fremdenverkehrsamt Straubing
- Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung
- Universität Regensburg – Studie
2015: God came down to earth
- Stadtwerke Straubing
- Gäubodenmuseum Straubing
- Fremdenverkehrsamt Straubing
- ISKON Neu Delhi
- Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Universität Regensburg – Studie
2014: Dancing beyond borders
- Stadtwerke Straubing
- Ritterschaft zue Drachenfels
- Bal Folk “La Belle Danse” e.V.
- Kathak Kendra
- Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Universität Regensburg – Studie