For 14 days the exchange students from Noida had been guests in Straubing. Together with their German partners they worked on the media project, lived with the families and explored the Bavarian culture. On Saturday it was time to say goodbye and to return to India.
At 5.45 am the students and their host parents met at the Turmair coach park. Still tired and freezing they stood in groups saying not a single word. Thus they knew it was the last day of the visit they didn’t want to accept the fact that they had to say farewell to each other soon.
The coach
Not before the bus entered the coach park the harsh truth dawned on the students. First rather shyly, but then quite confidently they hugged their new friends and family members.
But the students were still not willing to enter the bus. Their friendship grew too strong during the last two weeks. Only with the enthusiastic help of the teachers all Indian students finally managed to get into the coach. While they entered many of them not even tried to wipe away their tears.
After They Have Left
But also the German hosts had to cry. Many of families stayed, however the bus had already left minutes ago.
Farewell friends! Till we see each other again in October!